Mi pérdida preferida


Ésta danza abre un conflicto entre tres personajes, una mujer indecisa entre dos hombres. Al ver que ambos le responden ella continúa el juego. Uno de ellos pone un alto queriendo quedarse con la chica y es ahi cuando la pareja en turno decide intervenir. Desde ese momento se desata una pelea que conforme transcurre vuelve confusa la reacción de los dos hombres, ella aún indecisa va con uno y otro por conveniencia hasta que los dos la separan encontrando una nueva respuesta. “Mi pérdida Preferida” es una de esas pérdidas que aunque son dolorosas nos llevan a finales inesperados que pueden ser mejor de lo que uno pensaba.

This dance embarks within a conflict between three characters, a woman undecided between two men. She starts to perceive the response of these two men, and she continues the game. One of them decides to put an end to the chasing game because he wants to stay with her, and it is then when the partner in turn decides to intervene. From that moment a fight arises making the men’s reaction confusing. She is still indecisive and goes with different men due to convenience, until the men are able to separate her and find a new answer. “My favorite Loss” is about one of those losses that as painful as they are, they are able to take us to unexpected endings that can be better than we think.

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